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One Million Homophobic Harpies go after Marvel and DC

One Million Homophobic Harpies go after Marvel and DC published on

Not happy with making total and utter fools of themselves over Archie Comics’ gay character Kevin Keller, the gaggle of idiots at One Million Moms are now on the warpath against Marvel and DC.

It seems that the latter is about to reveal that one of their characters is gay, and the hysterical womb-wielders at O.M.M are having fits as to who it may be. Will it be Superman? Batman? Wonder Dyke? Probably not — the market risk would be too great, far more likely to be one of the company’s lesser lights. My guess would be Bat Mite. After all, an elf isn’t too far from a fairy…


Meanwhile across at Marvel, gay Canadian Northstar — I can just see the twitty twats at O.M.M snickering snidely that a “gay Canadian” is a redundancy, or at least I could if I thought the word “redundancy” was in their vocabularies — is going to do the Kevin Keller by marrying another guy. These two imminent catastrophes have occasioned much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth amongst the conservative harpies, who seem to fear their ten year old sons will turn pink…

“Children desire to be just like superheroes. Children mimic superhero actions and even dress up in costumes to resemble these characters as much as possible. Can you imagine little boys saying, “I want a boyfriend or husband like X-Men?”

First, there is no character called “X-Men,” and secondly — kids? Most of the people reading these things are teens and adults — the days when it was mostly ten year old kids are long gone. As for the few children who are still able to afford these expensive little pamphlets, so what? If the sexual preferences of superheroes had a significant influence on whether or not someone grew up to be straight or gay, all the gay kids who grew up reading comics would be straight — just like their childhood idols!

Apparently these squirrel-brained wonders are basing their views on that most famous of comic books, the Bible…

“These companies are heavily influencing our youth by using children’s superheroes to desensitize and brainwash them in (sic) thinking that a gay lifestyle choice is normal and desirable. As Christians, we know that homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:26-27).”

Yes… gays are sinful, the world was made in six days by an angry old man who lives in the sky, curious women get turned to salt, and Fred Flintstone was a real person who co-habited with a dinosaur…

Original blitherings here


Katy Perry – Military Pop-agandist?

Katy Perry – Military Pop-agandist? published on

I’m not fond of this dog-faced wonder, mostly due to “Ur So Gay,” a vile little number telling some emo boy to kill himself because, in essence, he isn’t masculine enough. Even coming from someone else such an attitude would be contemptible, but coming from a girl who sings about kissing girls and liking it, it is doubly so. Apparently in Ms Perry’s worldview straight but un-masculine boys should be reviled, while straight girls into a bit of Sapphic fun should be celebrated as strong, independent and of course sexy.

But this isn’t about Perry’s hypocritical view of gender, or the fact that her face looks like a moose’s rear end, it is about her new video, which seems to be trying very hard to portray dying for the oligarchy as some sort of triumph of Girl Power. Apparently, as young American males are wising up and realizing that being able to feel more manly because they joined the army and killed some A-rabs doesn’t really compensate for having their balls blown off, the oligarchy is now turning to the female sex for its cannon fodder.

Poor Video-Katy, she gets cheated on by her bloke, and for some bizarre reason decides that the way to get revenge is to become a mercenary! I’m sorry, I meant to write “a marine,” but there really isn’t much difference these days, is there? So she gives herself a haircut (bad idea, honey — it’s your only attractive feature) and joins the army, where she proceeds to act all butch and shit. Not only do we see the young fool go through basic training, but she seems to end up in some desert war, no doubt proving that you don’t need to be male to be tough.

Now, what the fuck does any of this have to do with a song about being cheated on? Nothing, that’s what. Going to war isn’t even a good metaphor for getting over a broken heart, so why the military theme? Call me cynical, but I think the main thing going on here is that some bastard somewhere decided it was time for women to start doing their fair share of the dying, and that if you can use machismo to sell the army to stupid boys you can sure as hell use Girl Power to sell it to idiot girls.

This entire thing reminds me of an old episode of The Simpsons. You know the one. The one in which Bart’s boy band is being used to sell the army to children, subliminal messages and all. It was funny then, it doesn’t seem so funny now…

This Aint No Upwardly Mobile Freeway…

This Aint No Upwardly Mobile Freeway… published on

From Chris Rea, here is “The Road to Hell,” a prophetic song about where we were headed in 1989 and where we are now. Like the man says, “You must learn this lesson fast, and learn it well.” Apparently we didn’t.

This is the extra-creepy version, with his old mom (so old she’s dead) giving him some advice from beyond the grave. This preamble to the actual music is a bit dull, but it does make the meaning of the song clearer.


One Million Homophobic Harpies Go After Archie Andrews!

One Million Homophobic Harpies Go After Archie Andrews! published on

In possibly the most moronic display of conservative panic since speculations about Spongebob Squarepants and his little pink friend Patrick Star,a group of right wing mothers has launched a campaign against Toys R Us over their selling of a recent issue of the comic book “Life With Archie”,
the cover of which depicts gay character Kevin Keller marrying some other guy!

I personally see the whole gay marriage thing as yet another convenient smokescreen for the world’s real problems — why tackle class issues when you can make yourself look “liberal” by allowing gays to do something which at least 50% of them will regret ? — but outside of that I really don’t care. Let them get married, poor fools. In ten years they’ll be launching a new campaign to have that dubious right taken away. Frankly, my idea of marriage equality would be to make it illegal for straight people as well as gay ones, that way everyone would all be much happier. But back to the hysterical screechings of the loonies at One Million Moms…

“These comic books are sold at the front checkout counters so they are highly visible to employees, managers, customers and children. Unfortunately, children are now being exposed to same-sex marriage in a toy store. This is the last place a parent would expect to be confronted with questions from their children on topics that are too complicated for them to understand. “

This is of course balderdash. If the kid asks, just tell them some idiots want to marry people of the opposite sex, some idiots want to marry people of their own sex, either way it’s an idea they will live to regret. See, not so complicated is it? What is really driving these protests is not concern over kiddies asking awkward questions, but rather the need so many people seem to have to hate on some group or another, and the right wing’s rabid desire to crush anyone who opposes their hate-mongering in any way, especially if they are part of the popular culture industry. Would it be too much to call this clan of pinheads a hate group? Probably not, as the One Million Moms group is a branch of the American Family Association, a group well known for, surprise, surprise, its promotion of homophobia! Apples really don’t fall very far from the tree, do they?


In defense of the book John Goldwater, one of the big cheeses at Archie, had this to say…

“We stand by Life with Archie #16. As I’ve said before, Riverdale is a safe, welcoming place that does not judge anyone. It’s an idealized version of America that will hopefully become reality someday. We’re sorry the American Family Association / feels so negatively about our product, but they have every right to their opinion, just like we have the right to stand by ours. Kevin Keller will forever be a part of Riverdale, and he will live a happy, long life free of prejudice, hate and narrow-minded people.“


Er, yes, thank you Martin Luther King. What Goldwater means of course, is that the series’ recent focus on social issues has increased its sales and they will be damned if they let a few loons mess with their bottom line, so to speak. Motive aside, Goldwater and Co are doing the world a favor by keeping the issue on the racks, and the One Million Moms are doing the world a favor by showing everyone what a bunch of lame-brained maggots they are. Why, next thing you know they will be whining about this classic issue of  Betty and Me…