This is what it has come to, folks — Santa being mean to little kids who want toy guns. But SJW Santa don’t care. After all, any kid who wants a toy gun will probably grow up to be a mass murderer who votes Republican so the little bastard deserves to suffer! Santa being a cunt for political reasons? Yep, it’s 2020 alright!
Supposedly, according to PJW, this red and white shitstain has now been fired from his job. Good news, but better news would be the headline, “Man In Santa Claus Suit Mauled To Death By Chipmunks”!
So, this Raphael Warnock guy is running for the Senate in Georgia. The result of his and some other guy’s races will determine who controls the Senate, so it’s a big deal as the Dems already have the House sewn up. As a result, i have been watching his campaign and decided to get some evidence of his support for a racist pastor’s racist pastorings. So i Googled the phrase “warnock satanic white people” and got this…
Note how the very first result — the one most likely to be clicked — defends him against the allegations, despite the search NOT asking whether the allegations are true or not. Suspicious, i thought. So i tried the same phrase in DuckDuckGo and got this…
How about that? The first FOUR results are about the allegations themselves, not an attempted rebuttal of said allegations! I’m no expert on how search engines work, but since the people from Google have made their political allegiance clear — that leaked video after Trump’s 2016 win comes to mind — it is very difficult to not see this as being, most likely, an attempt to manipulate the public’s opinion of Warnock so that the Dems end up getting the Senate as well as the House, setting the whole world up for a return to the bad old days of Pre-Trump America.
It’s not conclusive evidence of bias, but it is highly suspect. As a result, your favorite swine creature is now using DuckDuckGo as his default search engine.
Or at least i identify as a genius, and if you disagree you are a hateful scumbag and, yes, you WILL get the taser.
Believe it or not, this is a REAL cop in England somewhere. Why anyone would be choosing THIS picture to push their trans propaganda is beyond me, but i guess if you’re crazy in one way, you’re bound to be stupid in some other way.
Right now the Dems are all up in arms claiming that Trump is a would-be dictator trying to stage some coup, instead of what he really is which is a clever guy making sure his base still remember him in four years AND that they think he was cheated even if the election turns out to be clean enough to justify Gropey Joe’s win. Mind you, morally this election will never be legitimate. It can’t be, not when the media spent four years lying to the people. So in that very real sense, Trump has been robbed. Legally, meh, probably not.
But something i remember, and which hardly anyone else seems to, is the fact that back in 2016 the same people now kissing democracy’s ass were trying to kick it! There was a whole campaign aimed at getting the folks who do the voting at the electoral college to go against the wishes of the people. The Dems LITERALLY asked the electors that were representing people who had voted for Trump to instead vote for Clinton! And of course, as with every other evil thing that today’s so-called liberals do, there were celebrities at the helm as can be seen in this tweet. Sorry, but piggy don’t know how to get the video without the tweet…
— President-Elect Dr RollerGator PhD (@drrollergator) November 21, 2020
And let’s not forget the petition asking the college to, in effect, stage a coup against Donald Trump. Look at the number of signatures on this bloody thing! Almost five million!
Think about that. Almost five million Democrats were willing to put their name to this attempt at overturning a fair and legal election. Take that number and multiply it by ten to include the ones who shared the same fascist sentiments but weren’t stupid enough to actually put their names on record, and you can understand why so many Republicans fear the election might have been stolen. The Dems have shown us they have the will to do such a thing, so that is not up for debate. All that is up for debate is whether or not they have, this time ’round, actually succeeded in doing it. Frankly, i hope there WAS massive cheating and that the Republicans prove it and Trump miraculously holds on, but i don’t think it’s looking good. I think we are in for four years of America being run by a bunch of neo-liberal, neo-conservative psychopaths who care nothing for democracy and who will do everything — legal or otherwise — to stay in power indefinitely. They have shown us they have the will, and now they are about to get the power.
Sorry to be such a downer, but that’s where the evidence is taking me right now. Here, have a song about a potato. It might make up for all the doom and gloom currently pervading the room…