In this disgusting little document from the UN’s  Division for the Advancement of Women , a disgusting little woman called Elaine Enarson gives us all a peek into why things like the UN’s relief programs in Haiti are geared towards helping women. Gone are the claims that the gals are given precedence because that way everyone gets a share, and in their place stands the ugly truth – and as we all suspected, it is indeed about a feminist agenda.
In a summary of the week’s events for a 2001 meeting of “experts” on “Environmental management and the mitigation of natural disasters: a gender perspective” Enarson tells us that…
“Participants this week were guardedly optimistic (at best!) about the potential for significantly disrupting and transforming gender relations following natural disasters.”
Amazing –  this is about natural disasters, yet the emphasis seems to be not on rebuilding the affected communities but rather on affecting some kind of feminist revolution!
Enarson then outlines successful examples of this strategy, including this one from India…
“Disasters can be great liberators!! (Yeah, shame about all the dead people though ) While witnessing a very vocal meeting of rural women in village Srirampur, Orissa, about a year and a half after the cyclone of 1999, I was informed by the NGO there (Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action) that before the cyclone, women would rarely come out and interact on social issues, let alone interact with outsiders. This changed after the cyclone, because relief packages of most NGOs, and even the government, were targeted at, or through, women. That phase really empowered them, made them amenable to interacting on social issues, and also increased their self-esteem and their status within their families and society!“
And even though Enarson and friends do give us some caveats as regards the woman-focused approach, said warnings focus not on men starving in the streets, but rather on pointing out that  La Revolucion may entail some negatives for the Important Sex, as in the case of Nicaraguan men being put to work building houses which were then given over to the women! Not only that, but the men were paid for their work with food aid (wonder if the women had to work for theirs? Let’s guess,) but the “payment” was given to the women! Ain’t that great? You sweat all day in the sun building a new house, then not only do they give the house to the wife, they also give her your paycheck! Apparently, as long as leeches like the UN are around, a man doesn’t even have to get a divorce to lose his house! Much to the surprise of our feminist Maos, many of the men reacted by leaving their small communities for fairer conditions in the big cities – gee, those selfish male bastards…
Oh, and here’s an unexpected bit of info…
“As I began a project rebuilding houses for families affected by Hurricane Mitch I worked primarily with women. . . I had spoken to the American Red Cross and Save the Children USA, who had told me that they were putting their houses in the name of the women. They were also, like WFP, giving food assistance directly to women. . . “
So I guess it isn’t just the UN, it’s a bunch of other bastards as well! And that’s just the ones she tells us about, I wonder how many other supposed charities are just fronts for feminist activism?
And just in case you were wondering what kind of people the UN considers experts on who should live or die, it’s quite a diverse group, consisting as it does almost exclusively of left-leaning feminist women…

So there you have it. No more pretense about helping the women to help everyone else, Enarson’s summary makes it clear that a huge part of all this is not about helping people in need but rather about further feathering the female nest worldwide. It amazes me that an Assistant Professor should be stupid enough to actually admit these things on the Internet, but that’s affirmative action for you!
The rest of the filthy thing is here.