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Proud Democrat Takes A Dump On The Poor

Proud Democrat Takes A Dump On The Poor published on

This is why the lower classes hate the Democrats. Check out this Twitter turd’s sidebar. All the usual IdPol crap. But the poor? Fuck ’em. The gays, the blacks, they matter but the poor are there to be crapped on, to be mocked, to be derided for clinging onto the tiny sliver of hope offered by the Trump administration. This is what Democrats are now, and have been for at least twenty years, since they realized it’s cheaper to keep the lower classes under control by psychologically attacking them rather than by raising wages and welfare.

For most of those twenty years the attacks have been veiled as attacks on whites and males since, when you throw in the white females and the colored males, that’s the majority of the poor right there. But since Trump and Brexit they have become increasingly open in their class hatred, and this is what you get. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if in ten years these scum were openly calling for the culling — or at least the sterilization — of the lower classes. So fuck you, James, i hope you get an exotic strain of the Chinese Virus and die coughing your lungs out.

The Great Replacement IS Real!

The Great Replacement IS Real! published on

The Great Replacement IS real, but it’s not about race, it’s about ideology. The Western Plutocrats have had enough of liberals messing with them so they are replacing us with illiberal people from the Third World. THIS is why multiculturalism is the norm — there’s no point in replacing a bunch of white liberals with brown and black liberals. And keep in mind, by WORLD standards Western conservatives are liberals too! We are ALL in the Plutocracy’s crosshairs.

But remember, Google is NOT politically biased…

But remember, Google is NOT politically biased… published on

So, this Raphael Warnock guy is running for the Senate in Georgia. The result of his and some other guy’s races will determine who controls the Senate, so it’s a big deal as the Dems already have the House sewn up. As a result, i have been watching his campaign and decided to get some evidence of his support for a racist pastor’s racist pastorings. So i Googled the phrase “warnock satanic white people” and got this…

Note how the very first result — the one most likely to be clicked — defends him against the allegations, despite the search NOT asking whether the allegations are true or not. Suspicious, i thought. So i tried the same phrase in DuckDuckGo and got this…

How about that? The first FOUR results are about the allegations themselves, not an attempted rebuttal of said allegations! I’m no expert on how search engines work, but since the people from Google have made their political allegiance clear — that leaked video after Trump’s 2016 win comes to mind — it is very difficult to not see this as being, most likely, an attempt to manipulate the public’s opinion of Warnock so that the Dems end up getting the Senate as well as the House, setting the whole world up for a return to the bad old days of Pre-Trump America.

It’s not conclusive evidence of bias, but it is highly suspect. As a result, your favorite swine creature is now using DuckDuckGo as his default search engine.

Cheaper than Ipecac syrup…

Cheaper than Ipecac syrup… published on

You know those times when you eat something that’s gone off and the only solution to your woes is to make yourself puke, but the fingers down the throat just aren’t working? I give you the answer to your problems…

Bloody ‘ell! Yes, it’s Lizzo, that icon of everything that is healthy and wholesome. And this came from some Daily Mail article in which she was described as “curvaceous”! No – curvaceous means you have curves, what this woman has are lumps! If anything, she’s lump-aceous!

Now, if you want to be fat enough to get stuck in a freight elevator, that’s your business. But when you are rich and famous and therefore influential, you should not be acting as if looking like a beached whale that’s been left out in the sun too long is a good thing. After all, unlike the rich, girls stupid enough to follow this Lizzo girl into the realm of morbid obesity can’t afford to pay someone to wipe their asses! Think about it, this woman literally cannot wipe her own ass, and she’s being held up — with great difficulty, admittedly — as some sort of role model! It’s madness, that’s what it is.

And then there are the coming medical bills. Fine for Lizzo, she can get a million dollars worth of surgery at the first sign of high blood pressure, but the poor girls can’t! They’ll get diabetes, and heart attacks, and strokes! And how you gonna look sexy when both your feet are missing and half your face is down to your knees? You ain’t. Shame on Lizzo, and shame on the Daily Mail for promoting this crap. They’ll be promoting heroin addiction, next.

Good Video On Worker Co-ops.

Good Video On Worker Co-ops. published on

No, they aren’t big wooden cages where you use wire mesh to keep the workers from escaping — THAT’S called an Amazon fulfillment center! Heh, heh…

I’ve been meaning to write about things like Mondragon for a few months now but have been unable to do so due to a lifelong medical condition called chronic laziness. Therefore, this guy’s video will have to do. Worker co-ops are one of the few viable options left to the lower classes, especially as everything gets more and more automated. In twenty years, we can be unemployed and poor or unemployed and collecting the money made by the machines that took our jobs. Pretty clear which is preferable, and even though this is an idea often traced back to socialism, i don’t see how any right winger with brain cells can object. I’m sure many will try, though.

Of course, such co-ops aren’t perfect. The profit motive IS still there and so there will still be some greed. But at least this way the workers are getting a fair share of what the greed produces. Heh…