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Asbestos in baby’s diapers? You got to be shitting me!

Asbestos in baby’s diapers? You got to be shitting me! published on

Folks, have you ever used Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder? Of course you have, we all have. And have you ever breathed it in? Of course you have, and you’ve probably even done it on purpose because they made sure it smells so good! Nice of them, huh? Also nice of them is the fact that they only charge you for the talc but give you some asbestos samples for free! That’s right, folks, there’s asbestos in your baby powder! And it’s not a recent giveaway, either, they’ve been knowingly doing this for at least fifty years! That’s how long ago scientists told them “Oopsie! Looks like there’s asbestos in this here talcum powder!” Yet, presumably because it’s too expensive to separate the talc from the asbestos (talc is mined and usually found in places where you find asbestos), they kept selling us the filthy shit! Your ass has had millions of asbestos molecules on it! Worse yet, your mom spent years breathing in that carcinogenic garbage every time she powdered your ass!

How do we know all this? Because a few years ago some women sued the company and they won a multi-billion dollar settlement! This is when we found out that the company had known all along that its product contained a carcinogen for which there is no safe amount. Even a bit of this shit can give you cancer, and women with babies are breathing in a lot more than just a bit. At this point there are literally tens of thousands of lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson, with literally tens of thousands of victims! And yet i’m willing to bet this is the first time most of you have heard of this, right? Because that’s how the media does things. If the villains are in the same plutocratic club they’re in, they cover up for them — even if it means that people keep using a carcinogenic product. Sick motherfuckers all of them, and then they wonder why the people hate them almost as much as they hate the corporations they serve. The video below gives you the gist of the matter, then goes into the way that Johnson & Johnson are trying to weasel out of paying compensation and damages by putting the liability into a separate subsidiary company. Quite a business model they’ve got there — kill people for profit, then try to weasel out of having to pay for it. No wonder the folks cheer when a CEO gets popped!