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Words That Girlz Think Are, Like, Gross And Yucky And Stuff

Words That Girlz Think Are, Like, Gross And Yucky And Stuff published on


In another fine example of the unholy union between feminism and the plutocracy, some bossy, bitchy drama queens at Kellog’s have gone out of their way to ask British girls aged 16 to 24 which words they feel undermine their “strength as a female” and which they would like to actually ban from the English language! Yes, because what the world really needs is kids with little to no knowledge of the world telling the adults what words they should and should not be able to use.

According to the survey, which is part of a Special K advertising effort, young girls these days become hysterical and hormonal whenever someone uses words like “bossy” in their sacred presence. Said one precious young flower…

“Every time people call me a ball-breaker i feel really bad about myself because it suggests that breaking men’s balls is somehow a bad thing and it, like, you know, makes me feel guilty about breaking so many balls.”

According to some highly strung, over the hill haddock called Nicola Roberts…

“It is a strange thing that in a modern society we still have room for language that holds strong women back,”

…she said while weeping into her cheesecake. And it is indeed strange – strange that strong women would be held back by mere language. But then, i suspect that in typical feminist fashion our stale chicky-babe has a definition of strength that includes being a weak-minded pussy who can’t tolerate any degree of resistance and who hides under the table every time there is a thunder storm.

The survey also revealed that today’s high maintenance princesses would like instead to be described with bright, shiny adjectives such as “confident” and “courageous.” You will notice that the feisty young things do not state that they would like to be confident and courageous, only that they would like to be described that way. The former, you see, would entail the kind of hard work that today’s girls feel is beneath them — what they want is to be labeled Wonder Woman while acting more like Scooby Doo! Yes, i just compared today’s girls to a cowardly, cartoon dog. But that’s cool, because today’s manipulative young bitches don’t include “dog” or “bitch” on their list of words that should be banned by Big Sister. I also noticed that, funnily enough, these kiddies don’t seem to object to words like “cunt,” hence it must be okay to call the UK’s women “cunts.” Fancy that, when i finally get my OBE i can say to the Queen, “Thanks very much, your cunty majesty!”

More hormonal hysteria here.