When i say “evil” i am not here speaking of all celebs – Howdy Doody and Elmo, i am pretty certain, are not evil. No, the celeb trash i speak of here are the scum supporting Hillary Clinton.

Let’s get one thing straight – Clinton’s celebrity supporters are people of merely average intelligence, some of them may even be literally stupid, but none of them are ignorant. Every single one of these scumbag pieces of shit knows exactly what they are supporting. They know this is a woman who voted for the Iraq war and then defended her evil decision for many years. They know this is a woman who helped to blow up dozens, possibly hundreds, of Pakistani Muslims with drone strikes. They know this is a woman so likely to start another mass slaughter in the Arab world that she has the backing of the neo-conservative establishment despite the fact that most of them are Republicans! They know this is a woman who supported the TPP until it became inconvenient to do so and that she will almost certainly revert to supporting it once she’s sitting in that chair that her husband used to get his dick sucked in.
All these things the De Niros, Clooneys, Damons, Gagas and countless other pieces of subhuman, pseudo-leftist Hollywood trash know – and you know how we know they know? Because we told them so. Gone are the days when celebrities could plead ignorance. Nowadays, most of them have social media accounts, and the few who don’t have them have celebrity friends who do have them. And what happens on these Facebook and Twitter accounts? People tell them what’s what, that’s what. All of these neo-liberal, neo-conservative piles of turd have been told by ordinary folks that their backing of Psycho Granny is a recipe for further corporate tyranny and a few more deserts running red with blood. They know fully well that what they are doing is backing a plutocracy-serving, war-mongering Democrat over a center-right, anti-establishment Republican who is more inclined to do things the old fashioned way – you know, like not slaughtering 100s of thousands of innocents for fun and profit. And incidentally, you know why i think Trump is anti-establishment? Because the establishment is so anti-Trump, that’s why.
But back to the scum supporting Clinton. All this neo-liberalism and neo-conservative crap is fine with them because they are, despite their politically correct posturing, a bunch of filthy 1 percenters. Like the heads of the corporations that they own stock in, Hollywood’s elite want more cheap labor, they want corporations suing states for interfering with their profits, and they want the rocketing stock prices that come when corporations make a fortune selling weapons that will be used to blow up yet some other hapless country. Greed and evil, that’s what Hollywood’s support for the Clinton campaign all comes down to. But ignorance, that doesn’t even enter into it these days. Your average pro-Clinton supporter on the street, yes they can often plead ignorance (on Facebook, one woman told me that my accusing Clinton of being both a neo-liberal and a neo-conservative was as ridiculous as claiming she was both a left winger and a right winger!) but not the celebs who are often, and often against their will, given fact after fact after fact by the more decent members of things like Facebook and Twitter.
And if Clinton wins, God forbid, you can bet that once she starts her first little war or passes the TPP, all these celebrity scum will plead ignorance — “Oh, but how could we possibly have known what a dreadful, dreadful woman she would turn out to be?!?!?!” they will all wail while wringing their hands and shedding CGI tears. And, alas, most of the public will buy this show of third rate theatricality and rush to not only believe, but to also console and comfort these psychopathic liars. But those of us who can still think for ourselves won’t, for we will remember that Clinton’s celebrity supporters already knew what a monster she would be – because we are the ones who told them.