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The Ten Worst Jobs in America

The Ten Worst Jobs in America published on 1 Comment on The Ten Worst Jobs in America

Quick, guess what they all have in common! That’s right, they are all dominated by men. Every single bloody one!

The very worst job in the United States  is roustabout, which is apparently the name for those poor bastards who do maintenance work on oil rigs…

“As the key providers of maintenance for oil rigs and pipelines, Roustabouts routinely perform backbreaking labor at all hours of the day and night in conditions that can range from arctic winters to desert summers to ocean storms”

Sounds great! Obviously much easier and safer than being a checkout chick!

Other American men who have it way too easy are lumberjacks ( who contrary to the Monty Python song are apparently not okay,) ironworkers, roofers and welders.

More here…

Ted Williams Gets A Job

Ted Williams Gets A Job published on

Who the hell is Ted Williams I hear you say? (I mean that, too – why do you think that free usb cup warmer turned up in your mail the other day?)

Well, Cleveland’s Ted Williams is the star of a viral video that you may have seen by now, the homeless man with the sign telling people about his golden voice. Someone videoed Williams doing some radio style announcements, uploaded it to YouTube and now Williams has been offered a job with Basketball team the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Williams seems under the impression that god has something to do with his current good fortune, I on the other hand am inclined to believe that if God really cared he would have dropped him into a million dollar mansion instead. Either way, this is good news for one of the many men living on America’s streets, so here it is.

Let’s not kid ourselves though, few homeless men will have this kind of luck as few homeless men have that kind of voice. What most guys in Williams’ situation need is what America is least willing to give its homeless – a little fucking help.

More at the Guardian.

And yes, that is my manager Michael in the comments…


Video below.