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Banned from r/WhitePeopleTwitter

Banned from r/WhitePeopleTwitter published on

And for what, you may ask? As shown below, merely for participating in the Louder With Crowder sub, the prolife sub, and something i can’t even remember visiting. Note that they don’t even accuse me of LIKING those places, just participating in them. Now, while i like the Crowder sub, my views on abortion fall in the middle so there’s a good chance that if i ever visited prolife it was to argue with them about the idea that a clump of cells is a baby. But that’s how SJWs are. Even IF i was arguing with them, that in itself is forbidden. No discussion is allowed. The SJWs are right and everyone else is wrong and that’s that. Huey Long was right — fascism has come to America and it has done so in the guise of anti-fascism.

The state of free speech in Australia

The state of free speech in Australia published on

I mentioned a certain  law in a Reddit thread about some guy being kicked out of a panel show for supporting Russia’s vile attack on the Ukraine and someone asked for a link so i went looking and here it is.

Amazing as it seems, in Australia you can get up to three years in jail merely for offending someone on the internet. Seriously. The law is rarely enforced, but it’s there and it has a chilling effect on those who know it exists, which is to say very few of us. Piss off the right person and you may end up spending a fortune paying a lawyer to keep you from going to jail for having called someone a fucking moron. I’m not joking about the lightness of the insult either. It just has to be something a reasonable person would deem offensive, which these days means pretty much anything.

As i said, it is not often used, but all we need is a cultural and political shift for it to start being enforced against any annoying anti-Establishment gadfly who does too much buzzing.




Google filtering out what Canuck Hitler would call “unacceptable” results.

Google filtering out what Canuck Hitler would call “unacceptable” results. published on

I’m sure by now most here have seen the photo of the pigs standing on the Canadian flag. I decided to find out precisely who the pigs are so i did an image search using both Google and DuckDuckGo. Here are the results. Same search terms, same country (Australia) yet radically different results. Moral of story? Google is DEFINITELY censoring results.

Kyle Goes Free!

Kyle Goes Free! published on

Much to my delight — and surprise — the jury has reached the right verdict and Kyle Rittenhouse is now a free man!

Good to see that the jury did not give in to the explicit and implied threats from the BLM psychos and their enablers in the government to kill everyone in sight if they delivered justice. The thing should never have gone to trial, and if it had been a black girl called Taneesha Rittenhouse who had shot some White Supremacist thugs trying to fuck her up it never would have. But Kyle is White, he’s male, and he’s conservative so that makes him the scum of the earth as far as the Establishment is concerned. And if you doubt that, just take a look at how previously noble “liberal” institutions are reacting.

This from the group who — while under Jewish control — defended NAZIS’ right to march through Jewish neighbourhoods!

And this from the people who did so much to turn the Klan into a paper tiger.

Fake socialist Sandy Cortez took time out from sucking her rich boyfriend’s gold-plated, diamond-studded dick to once again pit the peasants against one another…



And this from Cori Bush, a woman whose main goal in life is to make AOC look sane and whose secondary goal is to get a boyfriend — a black one, of course — with a gold-plated, diamond-studded…you know…

And Biden — or the puppet master with their hand up his ass — quickly backtracked from the sensible stance of accepting to verdict to being “angry and concerned” that a mere White boy can still get justice in the increasingly corrupt system that he undeservingly presides over. And don’t let the call for “peaceful protests” fool you, these days that’s just Democrat code for “kill every White person you can find.”

You know what? Fuck them all. Virtually everyone in the “liberal” establishment is simply evil now. And they sure as hell aren’t liberal, they are just totalitarians working to replace democracy with a satanic amalgam of State rule and Neo-Feudal Plutocracy.

Fuck. Them. All.